Dancing with Daddy

Dancing with Daddy

Dancing with Daddy

“Forgiveness is Given not Earned”

Kristen often shared with me regarding her sorrow for disappointing God. She struggled with a couple sin strongholds that, at times, affected her intimacy with Him. I would always remind her that He would never leave her or forsake her, regardless of her mistakes… and neither would I.

She would ask me, “How can you and God still love me when I continue to disappoint you?” I would hug her and tell her, “Because real love isn’t conditional and forgiveness isn’t earned, it is given… It is a gift!”

The “Dancing with Daddy!” photo reminds me of how our Father “God” sees us… forever and always, his little child. It also represents the love and care I have for my daughters… through any circumstance… no matter their age… this side of heaven or the other!

The Prodigal Child…
While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

Don’t believe any lie that says you can make God not love you or make Him turn away from you. He is “always” waiting for you with compassion, an embrace, and a kiss! That is our God!