Friendships and Fall Outs

Friends And Fallouts

Friends And Fallouts

Changing our Past!

We know that we can’t literally change our past but we can give new context to our past mistakes with our future choices.

We are not slaves to our past. In Christ, we have the power to overcome our weaknesses, our temptations, our pride and even our past. By His grace we are made new.

One of Kristen’s greatest strengths was also a source of weakness. Kristen loved hard but she also fell hard.

A few of you have reached out on Facebook to share your trials and triumphs as her friends. Some of you have shared about your past fall outs and regrets. Thank you for your kind words of friendship and love for Kristen!

When we adopted Kristen, I thought raising a daughter would be relatively smooth sailing. Oh boy, was I wrong. Julie (K’s mom) had warned me. Girls feel things deeply, much more deeply than I ever imagined. Kristen was even more raw at times due to her dual identity as an adopted child. The sense of belonging with an adopted child can be more fragile. This context often carries over to their peer friendships. That was the setting for Kristen’s relationships with her friends. Big love, big fun, and at times… big hurt!

After all the late night conversations with my little girl regarding life’s struggles, I know, without a doubt, that she would have reached out to you, her friends to heal any wounds from the past… if only she had known she was leaving.

So no, we can’t change our past but we can redeem it with our choices today. Don’t leave things broken… planning to “fix it” tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come!

“If we’re Honest”

It would change our lives
It would set us free
If we’re honest
If we’re honest…
by Francesca Battistelli

Let everyone be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger; for the anger of man doesn ‘t produce the righteousness of God. (James 1:19-20)